
Beach Style & Home Decor


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Probably most of us have been thinking about the possible benefits of meditation, maybe wondering how much well-being we could achieve just if we try someday. Inner peace is part of our natural state, however it seems as though it’s never the right time to start experimenting with meditation. Now more and more people are deciding to stop everything by taking a ten minute break to breath quietly and familiarize themselves with the present moment. Sounds good?

There are several publications that prove your thoughts and your mind alter your physiology. What happens in your mind literally changes your body. I am convinced having watched a TED Talk “All it takes is 10 mindful minutes” (by Andy Puddicombe) at the well documented post 4 scientific studies on how meditation can affect your heart, brain and creativity. Have a look also at “A year of Productivity” where you will find a simple guide on Everything you need to start meditating.

Meditation with somewhere in Ibiza

Meditation & somewhere in Ibiza

If you already have bought a Cool-Fouta, you know how useful they are for all kinds of activities. In particular Foutas are perfect for your yoga and meditation sessions.

Find a quiet space to sit down comfortably. If your space is not quiet enough, no worries, just play some relaxing music to create a more pleasant atmosphere. Close your eyes and just listen to your breath flowing in and out of your nose. Just 10 minutes each day will slowly reconnect you to your spiritual essence rebalancing your heart and mind to give you more energy and harmony in your life.

So, what are you waiting for? Choose your Fouta and start practising your daily 10 minutes of meditation now!

The Aquamarine Fouta (pictured here) is available on-line at